Confidential Hotline

Contact Us
We hear you and we’re here for you.
The Shalom Task Force Confidential Hotline assists victims of domestic abuse and their families in obtaining and maintaining safety. Highly trained advocates help callers address concerns about family abuse, sexual assault, healthy relationships, dating, and more. We provide emotional support, encouragement, safety planning, and referrals to local resources.
Chatline Hours
(All Times are EST)
Monday- Thursday: 10AM- 10PM
Friday: 10AM-1PM
Hotline Hours:
(All Times are EST)
Monday- Thursday: 9AM- 10PM
Friday/Sunday: 9AM-12PM
What does the Shalom Task Force Hotline do?
Our hotline specializes in addressing domestic abuse, sexual assault, dating abuse, and concerns about healthy vs unhealthy relationships.
First and foremost we provide a listening ear – we support you and we believe you. Our advocates talk through what is going on and help you evaluate if abuse is occurring in your, or a loved ones, relationship. We engage in helping you figure out how to safely manage the situation, focusing on providing a variety of options and helping you choose what you feel is best for you. We provide referrals to local resources such as therapists, social services, legal support, shelter, and more.
When are you open?
Our Telephone operating hours are:
Monday-Thursday: 9am-10pm
Fri/Sun: 9am-12pm
Our Live Chat, text, and WhatsApp hours are:
Monday - Thursday 10am- 10pm
Friday 10am-1pm
Is the hotline really anonymous?
Shalom Task Forces takes prides in the confidentiality and anonymity of our hotline. We have taken great care to keep your information anonymous and private.
Telephones: Anonymous. We have masked all incoming phone numbers and disabled the Caller ID function from our hotline telephone calls so that we don't know your telephone number or who you are. When you call in, the phones display reads “HOTLINE” with our hotline number listed as the incoming phone number, and not your number.
Voicemails: Confidential. When you leave a voicemail, you are no longer anonymous, but your information remains confidential and protected. This is because you are choosing to leave a first name and safe contact information. Only relevant Shalom Task Force staff have access to this information.
Chatline (includes web-based, SMS, and WhatsApp): Anonymous. Our chatline is powered by Izzy Platform, a chat platform that was specifically developed and designed for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault agencies. As such, it is designed with anonymity as a top priority. Advocates will not see your phone number and will not have any identifying information other than what you choose to provide us during our conversation.
Social Media and Email: We do NOT recommend that you contact us for hotline assistance through social media. These platforms are not as secure as our telephone hotline and chatline. If you contact us through social media, we will redirect you to reach out through one of our formal hotline channels. If you reach out via email, you will similarly be redirected to one of our formal hotline channels.
What can I do if I do not get through to the hotline?
You have a few options:
Confirm that you reached out during the Hotline and Chatline open hours. Presently, the hotline is not open 24 hours and you will not reach an advocate outside of open hours.
If you contact the hotline/chatline during closed hours :
You can reach back out when the hotline/chatline reopen.
You can leave a voicemail with a first name and safe telephone number. This is NOT the best way to receive support from the hotline as voicemails are returned as capacity allows.
If the matter is more urgent we recommend calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800)799-7233.
If you are in immediate danger consider calling 911. Also click here for information about safety planning and keeping yourself safe in an escalating situation.
If you contact the hotline/chatline during open hours:
The advocates are currently supporting other callers/chatters. In order to ensure that every caller/chatter gets the attention they deserve, advocates do not utilize call waiting and your call will go to voicemail. You are encouraged to try back until you are able to get through.
What is the difference between Anonymity and Confidentiality and why does it matter?
When you contact our Anonymous services we do not receive any of your contact information unless you choose to share it with us. When you contact our Confidential platforms we receive some contact information.
We maintain the same level of respect and privacy for your information regardless of anonymity or confidentiality. The primary difference has to do with making a report about child abuse or concerns about imminent plan to hurt yourself. If we do not have any of your contact information we do not have enough information to make a report even if what you share is concerning. If we do have your telephone number, it is possible we would have to make a report in extenuating circumstances. We hope this will not keep you from reaching out to get the help you need and consider if anonymous ways of reaching out will better benefit you.
Click here to read our** Terms of Use and Privacy Policy**.
Is the hotline only for victims of domestic abuse? Can I call if I have a question about dating, or relationships?
Our hotline specializes in addressing domestic abuse, sexual assault, dating abuse, and concerns about healthy vs unhealthy relationships.
We highly encourage you to call if you are looking to talk about red flags in a relationship. When providing our high school and campus educational workshops, we encourage students to call our hotline with any questions or concerns they may wish to discuss. This gives students an opportunity to start an important dialogue during what may be a sensitive stage in their lives.
Please note we are not a general dating coach service.
If you are encouraging privacy and confidentiality why does the advocate ask me personal questions?
We take the privacy and dignity of our clients very seriously. We may ask questions, but remember that you have the right to only disclose information that you are comfortable with and decline to answer questions asked.
In our effort to best support you, we may ask questions that allow us to best understand your needs and provide the most appropriate guidance and resources. For example, we ask about your age, location, nature of abuse, family dynamics and more. Again, it is your right to choose what you want to share. You do not have to answer any question you do not want to.
My concern is not about me, but someone that I know. Can I call?
Yes. Many of our calls are from concerned family members, friends, rabbis, and professionals. We can help you figure out how to best support them during this difficult time.
Does the hotline receive calls from people in my community?
We work with the full range of the Jewish community, and our advocates are trained to be culturally competent to serve the needs of all communities of the international Jewish world. Our callers are Modern Orthodox, Chassidic, Yeshivish, and beyond. We receive calls from all over the US, Europe, Israel, Australia and more. We are constantly working to expand our referrals network in order to aid callers from around the country and across the globe. We field calls for anyone in need. Domestic abuse does not discriminate on the basis of location, gender, background, or religion. Neither do we.
Doesn’t Shalom Task Force only help women?
Domestic Abuse affects everyone. Shalom Task Force’s goal is to help anyone who is in need of support, regardless of their gender or any other characteristics. Men can and do call our hotline and receive the same compassionate support as any of our callers. If you are more comfortable speaking with a male-identified advocate or staff member, please let the advocate on the hotline know and we will do our best to arrange a time for you to speak with a relevant person.
What should I do? Can you give me instructions?
Our advocates provide emotional support, information, and referrals. Our advocates will not give you suggestions or recommendations, though they may brainstorm with you about options that may meet your needs. Although it can feel frustrating when you ask us for a direct recommendation or next steps, our experience tells us that you are the best equipped to identify your own next steps. As badly as we wish we could, we cannot solve your challenges and sometimes that is one of the hardest things for our callers to grapple with. Our advocates will offer empathy and support as you make sense of those limitations. Our advocates have expertise in Domestic Violence and related matters and are well versed in options and available resources, but ultimately you are the expert of your life.
How many calls has the Shalom Task Force hotline answered?
Our hotline has provided support and comfort to over 25,000 callers.
How can someone volunteer for the hotline?
If you’re interested, please complete the volunteer interest form