Housing Help

Eviction Moratorium

Governor Andrew Cuomo has extended the eviction moratorium through December 31, 2020 in line with the CDC’s recent eviction moratorium.

NYC Tenant Resources Portal

NYC Tenant Resource Portal, is an online tool to provide information and resources for those who are behind in rent and have questions about their options, resources, and about eviction. Visit .

Housing Court Answers

Call 212-962-4795 or 718-557-1379 from 9AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday. Interpreters through the Language Line are available.

Unemployment Insurance Benefits

How to File a New Claim

If you lost your job, you may be eligible for Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) once approved. You can file for benefits online or over the phone. You can file a new claim by clicking here to file online: If you previously filed a claim, click here for more information on your claim:

If You Have a Question About a Claim

If you have a question about a claim you have filed or about filing a claim, you can call (888) 209-8124 during the following hours: Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 7:30 PM, Saturday and Sunday, 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM.

If You Have a Question About Your Online Account

If you have a question about your online account, are having problems with logging in, updating your personal information or need to reset your password, you can call (800) 833-3000.

Food Access and Food Stamps (SNAP)

Emergency Food

If you need emergency food assistance, call the Emergency Food Hotline at 866-888-8777 or 311 to find a local pantry or kitchen. There is no income limit for emergency food.

NYC Food Delivery Assistance

The City of New York is providing assistance to New Yorkers during the Coronavirus crisis by delivering meals to those who cannot access food themselves. Learn more at

NYC Department of Education Food Distribution - Food Hubs

Visit the NYC DOE website to search for a food hub and see menus, and visit CFA for an interactive map and full list of food hubs. (Please note: The food hubs may change over time. We will keep the list updated.) Or text "FOOD" or "COMIDA" to 877-877.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Clients may apply for SNAP via Access HRA’s website: or with the Access HRA mobile (income requirements apply). To help stop the spread of Coronavirus, as of March 24, HRA has consolidated their HRA Job, SNAP, and Medicaid Center locations. As a result of these consolidations, we are advising New Yorkers to apply for public benefits online at ACCESS HRA in order to prevent unnecessary visits to an HRA center.

Family Justice Centers (NYC)









Staten Island


Senior Services

Senior Center Meals

Meals for seniors will be available from local senior centers with 100% meal delivery, rather than grab and go. To receive direct delivery call your local senior center. You can also call DFTA's Aging Connect at 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469) or 311. For more information visit the DFTA website.

Elder Care

Please use the U.S. Administration of Aging’s Elder Care Locator to connect you to services for older adults and their families by calling 800-677-1116 or visiting the website


JASA services citywide spanning free legal services, health and mental health services, home-delivered meals and more. Connect with JASA by calling (212) 273-5272 or visiting the website

Mental Health Support

NYC Well

There are free mental health services available by NYC Well by calling 888-NYC-Well (available 24/7) or by texting WELL to 65173. You can chat with someone online also by going here:

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

NAMI-NYC is providing a variety of support resources to help you or a loved one with general or Coronavirus related mental health concerns. Call the Helpline from 10 AM to 6 PM at 212-684-3264 or email They are also offering weekday support groups by phone and video.

NYS OMH Emotional Support Line

The NYS OMH Emotion Support Line provides free and confidential support, helping callers experiencing increased anxiety due to the Coronavirus emergency. Please call 844-863-9314 or visit the website here:

Resources for Immigrant & Undocumented Communities

COVID-19 and Immigration Concern

Getting care, treatment, or testing for COVID-19 will NOT make you a “public charge” or hurt your ability to apply for a green card. Getting charity or discounted medical care will not hurt your ability to apply for a green card. There is no “public charge” test when green card holders apply for citizenship. Seek care without fear.. If you have questions about immigration and public benefits, call the free, confidential ActionNYC hotline at (800) 354-0365.

Health Care and Wellbeing

NYC Health + Hospitals provides care to all New Yorkers, no matter what your immigration status is. NYC Health + Hospitals will help you even if you do not have insurance and cannot pay for health care. This is true for all types of health care services, including emergency care, doctor’s visits, medications, long-term care, and hospital stays. Visit, or call (844) 692- 4692.

Housing and Utility

All eviction proceedings and pending eviction orders have been suspended in New York for everyone at this time, no matter what your immigration status is. This means that your landlord cannot make you leave your home for failure to pay rent during this time. Additionally, ConEdison has agreed to not shut off electricity services for failure to pay utility bills and to waive late penalty fees. National Grid has also said it will not disconnect gas service for failure to pay the bills at least until the end of April.

Health Care Access Program

NYC Care is now available to New Yorkers in each borough! NYC Care is a health care access program for people who are not eligible for or cannot afford health insurance. The program ensures all New Yorkers, regardless of their income or immigration status, have equal access to comprehensive, high-quality care.

With NYC Care, you can: • Receive care at NYC H+H locations across the city. • Receive preventative care, mental health support, and substance abuse services. • Talk to customer service representatives in your language. • Receive 24 hour access to low-cost prescription medications. • Get your first appointment in two weeks or less.

To enroll, call 646-NYC-CARE.

To learn more about NYC Care, visit

Shalom Task Force: Support and Legal Services


Shalom Task Force Confidential Hotline

Monday/Wednesday: 9 AM- 8 PM

Tuesday/Thursday: 9 AM-10 PM

Friday/Sunday: 9 AM-12 PM  


Sarah’s Voice

If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911

To connect with a trained victim-advocate,
Call or text: 347.592.2124


Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m


The New Role of Home School Parents (Audio)

Layers Project Present- Feeling Trapped: Supporting Abuse Victims in a Time of Abuse